Here's the science behind what really works
I work with clients, providing consulting services that are catered specifically to their needs. Not one system can be effective for each individual's unique circumstances. Let's determine what works for you.
Relationship Management
It all starts with who you know and interact with on a daily basis. I can create your database in a simple spreadsheet with reminders or import into a professional CRM. It doesn't matter what database management system you use as long as you use it.
Meaningful Connections
Reach out to your clients and database on purpose. How are you loving on your people today? How many live conversations did you have last week? When is the last time you reached out to your transactional clients. Let's create a plan that focuses on building relationships even during your busy times! I can create a plan for auto-pilot - set it and forget it.
System Management
Let's build and/or fine tune systems that work for you. Do you have a checklist for listings and sales? What about post closing checklists? Each individual requires unique systems with the same end goal. Be the CEO of your own company and determine what systems work for you. Organization is the key!